Travelogue: 日本の春 // My Japan Diary Chapter XXI

Though we were just at Japan two months back, I have been toying with the idea of returning - for selfish reasons, of course. Unfortunately, but fortunately for Brad, our schedule is too full to slot in a trip to Tokyo or so.
So I can only look through my folder of photos from the recent trip, and reminisce the stunning autumn beauty of the scenic Wakayama. The weather was perfect to play dress up without too many layers. No warming leggings, too! This striking ensemble was an easy one to pull off. Nothing too busy, no fussy layers, and a well-cut red trench to top it all off. Added another tinge of red on my bag, and gave myself additional height with a pair of wedge booties that I snagged at a Zara sale.
Now, I miss the grilled seafood-on-stick, picking fresh persimmons from a private farm, and the peaceful countryside vibes that accompanied us through our daily long bus rides.
Outfit: Hamlet Top, Fash Mob // Hamlet Skirt, Fash Mob // Editor's Trench Coat in Red, Fash Mob // Wedge Booties, Zara // Boy Chanel, Chanel // Collier de Chien, Hermes // Arty Ring, Saint Laurent Paris // Shades, Chanel